Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli

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shoppingBag Prodej: 52

Přidat do sbírky

Created: 2. 9. 2016

Updated: 2. 9. 2016

ID: 57779

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

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Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 1Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 2Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 3Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 4Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 5Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 6Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 7Šablona Joomla těstovin Ravioli - Features Image 8


Update (February 27, 2019): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.1; - FIX: minor bugs.

3 Reviews for this product

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Template looks great and also quite flexible... I had issues trying to install the full package, but I'm working with the support team. Unluckily I find documentation about the template a bit poor... The only way to understand why the demo looks like that in order to reproduce the look&feel is to install the full package and study it. Since I had a chance to chat with support team I can confirm that they're very kind
This is a great template. The fonts selection is good for this kind of sites about food. the colors are fresh and the responsive mode is very functional. The showcase has a behavior in smaller screens, center the logo and hide the big images on mobiles. this is good because the site don't turn slow. La plantilla es muy buena opción para sitios de productos alimenticios, donde es importante el uso de imágenes grandes.
TM is a great company with wonderful design and well done templates.

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
