Personal Portfolio Joomla Template

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Created: Nov 11, 2015

Updated: Nov 11, 2015

ID: 57698

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 1Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 2Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 3Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 4Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 5Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 6Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 7Personal Portfolio Joomla Template - Features Image 8

Here is a minimal Joomla theme intended for online portfolios and personal pages. A lot of negative space and readable typography make its layout user-friendly, whereas skillfully organized images add a special charm to it. Simplicity of this design doesn't compromise its functionality. It comes with a powerful mega menu, effective newsletter form popup, dynamic parallax effect, and full-featured commenting system, Komento. The latter can make it easy for visitors to post comments and for you to manage them. There is also a cool extension to attract more attention to the specific content. With its aid, you can add a certain article to any place of the layout. Created with the latest SEO rules in mind, this personal page Joomla theme can give extra benefits to your website indexation by search engines.

This template is a part of our 15 Stylish Joomla Templates for Photography top list.

Templateog体育首页 MarketPlace

Templateog体育首页 is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

15 Stylish Joomla Templates for Photography

This is aParallax Joomla design

What is it?

A parallax scrolling is a method in webdesign where background picture moves at a slower rate than a front content, forming the illusion of depth.

Why is it Good?

A web page with parallax scrolling effect always grabs the attention of an audience and increases company's recognition thanks to the enticing looks.

Click for more Parallax Joomla design templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

15 Stylish Joomla Templates for Photography

This is aParallax Joomla design theme

What is it?

Parallax is a CSS animation effect that makes background elements shift less quickly than the front ones. It is one of the most advanced trends in the contemporary website design.

Why is it Good?

A web page with parallax scrolling instantly catches the attention of a viewer and improves company's identification thanks to the appealing design.

Find fresh Parallax Joomla templates here


Update (March 12, 2019): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.2; - FIX: minor bugs. September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

3 Reviews for this product

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Daumen Hoch kann man nur sagen sehr komplex aber sehr gut durchdachte Aufbau, Template lässt sich mit guten Kenntnissen von Joomla recht schnell bearbeiten und wen es mal nicht weiter geht hilft der Support schnell unkompliziert weiter. Weiter so!!!! Zu dem kommt das der Preis für so ein Template einfach nur unschlagbar ist im vergleich zu andern für menge an Modulen, Bilder usw.
Das ist ja mal was. Das ist ja alles viel zu teuer was die hier verkaufen. Dachte ich mir. Aber nur bis ich dann eines von den Templates gekauft hatte. Die sind nicht bloss 2 oder 30Mb gross. Das Download-File hatte gerade mal über 270Mb auf dem Buckel. Vollgestopft mit technischem Know-How und bis ins letzte Detail durchdacht. Auch jede Menge Module und Plugin's liegen bei oder sind bereits installiert. Die Dokumentation ist sehr informativ und auch perfekt gestaltet. Der Support ist wohl einer der besten, schnellsten und freundlichsten der gesamten Branche. Bravo!!
I found 'Template og体育首页' to be an excellent resource for website templates. The variety templates are of exceptional quality. I also contacted customer service help desk with a few queries, and was most impressed with the service. Very Good.

2 Comments for this product

Ich hab gerade von PHP 7.4 auf PHP 8.0 aktualisiert. Jetzt startet meine Website nicht mehr. Aktueller Fehler: "Unsupported operand types: int - string". Davor gab es einen anderen Fehler, der auf die Komponente "Komento" zurückzuführen war. Diese habe ich aktualisiert. Welche anderen Komponenten sind nicht mit PHP 8.0 kompatibel?
Is there any documentation for modifying the template? How do I change the home page??
Dear Jason , we provide general Joomla tutorials . Via Joomla admin panel you will be able to to add or delete pages,categories, change text, images, all the content

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Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
