Huwelijksceremonie HTML-responsieve bruiloftssjabloon

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shoppingBag Verkoop: 14

Created: 5 jul 2022

Updated: 13 sep 2024

ID: 258373

og体育首页ONE - Onbeperkte Downloads voor $12.40/mnd

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Huwelijksceremonie HTML-responsieve bruiloftssjabloon - Features Image 1

Huwelijksceremonie is een volledig responsieve HTML-sjabloon die de belichaming is van elegantie en finesse. Dit etherische responsieve website-ontwerp is geschikt om een gepersonaliseerde website te ontwikkelen met huwelijksdetails zoals accommodaties, over, blog en evenementen op afzonderlijke pagina's.

Met meer dan 12 verschillende en verbluffende pagina's om uit te kiezen, wordt de sjabloon aangeboden in drie verschillende versies: één pagina, zijbalk en boven-/onderbalk. Deze esthetisch boeiende website beschikt over drie preloader-opties, evenals schuifregelaars voor vervagen, schuiven en beeldanimatie.

Voeg een aftelling toe om gasten op de hoogte te houden van de aanstaande trouwdatum en de trouwlocatie met behulp van een locatiekaart met meerdere pictogrammen. Door de mooie en gedenkwaardige foto's op te nemen in de standaardgalerij of de volledige paginagalerijoptie, en RSVP met behulp van ons huwelijksceremonieontwerp, bouwt u een liefdevol herinnerde en mooie website voor elke huwelijksceremonie.

Bekijk meer elementen op de demosite.


August 27, 2024


  • Improved performance
  • Added a new "Our Favorite Moments" section
  • Added pre-wedding photos to the gallery
  • Added a "Dress Code by Event Day" section
  • Added a "Friends and Family Wishes" section
  • Added a "Message from the Groom and Bride to All Guests" section
  • Added an "Accommodation: Countdown to Events" section
  • Added details on accommodation options (hotels, etc.)


October 06, 2023


  • Performance improvements 
  • Fixed countdown issues
  • Fixed theme color change lacking issues.
  • Check with the latest version and modify it to make it compatible with new frameworks


February 01, 2023

  • Added gift registry page in all variants 
  • Added groups and bride people page 
  • Customise full theme color option added 
  • RSVP responses are stored on Google Sheets and easy to integration option is added 
  • Performance improvements 
  • Clean and well-documented. 

October 09, 2022

  1. Revised Landing Page Design
  2. One-page banner image replaced with video and some design changes.
  3. About Us new page added in the top bottom bar
  4. Home page added in the top bottom bar
  5. Header responsive issue fixed.

2 Reviews for this product

I bought the template to prepare my wedding invitation, while I took a demo of the template I like the unique design then I purchased and downloaded it. There I found it too easy to customize, and in 5 hours, I am done with preparing my wedding website. I really like the document they mentioned in the template that is easy to understand for unprofessional people as well. I'm very happy with this product and also with the support they gave me. I can do many things with this template. Highly recommended!
Hello Kelly, Very happy to hear that you like and are satisfied with our template. Thank you so much for your love and recommendation. Thank You!
This template is beautiful! The customer service quick and efficient. i'm very happy with this product and also with the support they gave me. I can do many things with this template. Highly recommended!
Thank you very much for your 5-star review!!! Very happy to hear you like our template.

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